Who's that girl?
Being able to influence and support others to become their best is my passion (that, and donuts).
I'm Victoria Brown
After a 20 year career, with half of that spent coaching and mentoring young and emerging leaders, as well as leading successful teams of my own, I have a deep understanding and passion for leadership.
I believe we are all here to live a life of impact, we have a duty to be the best version of ourselves that we can be, and to empower others to do the same. That's what an epic leader can do - by unlocking your own innate leadership style, you can elevate those around as well.


It all starts with you - the leader. You set the culture, you decide what's acceptable and you have the influence to create a team that is in love with what they do.
Life can sometimes feel like a race or a competition. I know from experience how easy it is to get lost in the fray and lose sight of what is really important. In the immortal words of hit 90s song Everybody’s Free, “the race is long, and in the end it’s only with yourself”.
That is why Brighten Project exists, to help you become an epic leader - discovering your internal power and passion along the way.