Confident & Crushing It: The 5-Step Cycle That Catapults Leaders Forward
Jul 10, 2023VICTORIA BROWN | JULY 2023
Last week we looked at the "Cycle Of Stuck" and considered how easy it is for leaders to fall into a stagnant growth period. This week I want to share with you a DIFFERENT WAY forward.
The cycle of success - also known as "Confident and Crushing It". This is how leaders amplify their potential, create long lasting changes and build their skills.
"I know I need to be a better leader, and I'm ready to start making that happen"
The starting place is the same as the Cycle of Stuck. The leader is in their leadership role, let's stay this is you - you're feeling excited and ambitious. There's a need and a desire for growth and leadership development.
The next step for leaders who want to grow is to create a growth plan. You define what skills are needed for your success in this current role but also your future roles. Decisions are made to invest in yourself, your growth and your future - and you do it. Time, money and energy is put into learning. Sustainable learning habits are created, and you are focusing on your future growth as a leader.
This is where it's time to test your resilience. You've started the new learning habits, now keep going with them. You continue to prioritise your own growth, you are taking the theory that's being learned, and creating practical actions from it.
Spurred on by the results of your growth, you continue to learn. You're making step-changes in your behaviour, thought patterns, team management, interpersonal skills - and these are delivering far better outcomes than you've had in the past. You're seeing the difference - and those around you are as well. You're receiving positive feedback from your team, your peers and your own manager. These all fuel your confidence, your growth, your learning.
You have truly levelled up. Because of your inspiring results and new leadership style, your team has elevated with you. You're crushing your goals and KPIs together. This just pours more fuel onto your confidence fire and keeps you wanting to learn and grow. You stay in this cycle, adding more excitement, more confidence, more performance with each loop.
🌱 What are the biggest changes from the cycle of stuck to this cycle of success?
The biggest impact happens right at the start of the cycle.
- Make a commitment to yourself and your future. You have to really want this change, that's what I see makes the biggest impact. When I start working with leaders, I can see the difference in the drive of the leaders that have made the commitment to themselves - there's an inherent purpose, they show up for themselves and it has nothing to do with me prompting them.
- Write a growth plan that's manageable, set yourself up properly. Use credible sources to learn effective, helpful tools and learn them deeply enough that you can create action. Rather than listening to a podcast and thinking "oh that's a great tip I'll use it once and forget about it". You really have to dig deep into the theories and frameworks, so you understand why it's relevant and important for you to use as a leader.
- Support yourself with ACTION. Make sure you put theory into action from your first lesson, so that you start to see real change. It those first initial new outcomes that help spur you on, give you the confidence in yourself that this is going to happen for you.
- Support yourself with FOCUS. Make sure one of the skills you learn early on is about how to have focus and discipline - that is how you create that resilience and commitment to keep going. This gives you that safety net for when you feel your commitment starting to wane because you've got a super busy week at work - you know your focus and discipline skills will keep you on track.
🔄 What phase of the leadership cycle do you currently find yourself in? Is it more reflective of the "cycle of stuck" or the "cycle of success"?
Are you ready to break out of the cycle of stuck? Join me later this month for a 3-day Leadership Challenge where we'll get you on the right track for the cycle of success.