The Most Unexpected Benefit of Leadership Development

The Unexpected Benefit of Leadership Development

thought leadership Jan 11, 2023

Developing your skills as a leader has so many benefits to your capability at work to manage relationships, deliver epic results and lead your team confidently - but there's ONE MASSIVE benefit that often goes unspoken.


When I ask the amazing leaders that I work with this question: "what do you want to feel like as a leader in a years time", these are the answers that I usually get:

  • I want to feel confident in sharing my ideas and not holding myself back.
  • I want to feel like I have clarity in creating the goals and setting the vision for myself and my team.
  • I want to feel strong enough to do the hard things like coach my team and get over my fear of upsetting others.
  • I want to feel inspired by my future and my new skills .

Relatable right?

BUT let's fast forward 12 months... ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ ➡️


During that 12 months, we've worked on developing their confidence ✅, we've created their leadership vision to provide clarity , we've built a set of frameworks to learn how to coach, how to innovate, how to analyse so they feel strong enough to tackle hard challenges ✅, and we've layered all these skills to create self belief and inspiration ✅.


THEN - I ask them this question: "SO.... how do you feel?"

Want to know what they almost ALWAYS say?

I feel happy.

I feel light, I feel capable, I feel excited, I'm enjoying my work, I feel  happy .


Being a leader isn't easy. It's a hard gig - you take the brunt of the pressure while helping your team to grow and succeed. So many of us go into leadership roles and honestly there's a lot to like, we like the money, we like the ability to impact others, we like the capacity to achieve great things - but we don't often go into these leadership roles expecting to be happy.

I want to change that.


With the right tools - being a leader should be fulfilling, challenging, exciting and enjoyable. Without the right tools, being a leader can suck. It's like trying to cook without any utensils. What're you gonna cut that carrot with? Your elbow? What're you gonna stir that sauce with? Your hand?


When we equip ourselves with the tools we need, it brings us achievement, success - and happiness.

Where does happiness as a leader come from? Once we build our leadership skills up - we are generally more at peace because through our growth as a leader we learn what is important and what is worth our time and energy (and what isn't). We learn how to regulate our own emotions and helps others do the same - so interactions become generally more balanced. We have the tools and frameworks to solve problems and create innovative futures. We know how to set the destination and set the pace to achieve exciting things, which is motivating and rewarding.

It's also a self fulfilling cycle once you get into it - because as you grow as a leader and create those moments of happiness, it surges you forward to learn more - to be more insightful, to be more effective, be less stressed, to feel healthier, to have more fulfilling relationships, to achieve more. Your leadership growth feeds your happiness and vice versa.


Imagine how incredible it would be to know that over the next 12 months as you invest in yourself, your primary emotion would be happiness. How does that feel? Light? Exciting? Inspiring? Beautiful?

I want that for you.


Your steps to happiness: 👟

☀️ Plan out your leadership development: what skills do you want to learn? When will you learn them? 

☀️ Invest in yourself: what programs will you do? what coaches will you engage? what books will you buy?

☀️ Actually do it. Set a plan, set goals, set deadlines - and most importantly set aside time in your calendar to do this. 



Want to plan out your 2023 with me?

Check out this upcoming workshop as we learn how to create your 2023 Leadership Development Plan together, and you'll even swipe my development planner template to supercharge you on your way to long lasting leadership growth, success and happiness ofc.

[CLICK HERE] to register for this free live workshop 


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