Your Guide To The Leadership Zombie Apocalypse

thought leadership Oct 27, 2022

How to survive the zombie wastelands of leadership development.



It's hard out here for new leaders wanting to grow their leadership skills. All it takes is one google search for "Leadership Program" and suddenly you're inundated with ads for SELF CONFIDENCE IN 7 DAYS or JOIN THIS FREE TRAINING or DOWNLOAD THE CURRICULUM HERE and on and on. It's enough to make you jump back into bed and binge watch House of Dragon episodes.

The land of leadership development is filled with so many dangers, lures and traps that one misstep can see you wasting money, energy and precious time. 

How do you get the skills you need as a leader, when the land of “leadership development” is giving “zombie apocalypse” vibes?


Your Guide To Surviving The Leadership Zombie Apocalypse 


🧟‍♀️ Who are THE SLOW ZOMBIES a.k.a Fake Experts.

 Some ✌️experts✌️ try to talk about leadership without any real life experience. You know the ones, they talk about "showing up as a leader" but they've never led their own team, or don't demonstrate leadership qualities that let you know they can back up what they're saying. Often, they will actually be an expert at something else though - like Social Media or eCommerce for example. Then they wrap "leadership" in there like it's just an add on. We know that Leadership isn't an 'add on' skill or a support character, it's the main character and when you decide to take their leadership advice it tends to be shallow, ineffective and distracts you from the real, proven skills and steps you need to take. I see these fake experts as the slow zombies that grab your leg as you walk past. They’re more of a nuisance rather than deadly, but still - annoying and distracting.

 ⚔️ How to avoid them: work with real leadership coaches and mentors, who have proven experience of leading a team themselves AND who also demonstrate leadership qualities that you resonate with for example personal growth, effective communication, humility, kindness etc. 


🧟‍♀️ Who are THE RUNNER ZOMBIES a.k.a The “I’m good at one thing” Leader

 These leadership experts just want to flood you with information on the “one thing” that they’re really good at, without any context or appreciation for how to use that skill within your wider leadership role. For example they're like "communication - communication - communication". Yes, absolutely communication as a leader is a crucial skill, but it's not the only skill you need. Zombies that can SPRINT are terrifying (remember Zombieland Rule #1: CARDIO, because zombies are fast). I see these "One Note" experts as the fast zombies because they make you run fast AF in one direction without thinking about your broader leadership direction.

  ⚔️ How to avoid them: work with leaders and coaches that can talk to the many facets of being a leader. This way you don’t just focus on one skill, and become too skewed in one direction - instead you have a more balanced, holistic set of skills. 


🧟‍♂️ What is the HOUSE OF ZOMBIES: The mass of leadership books and podcasts.

There are SO. MANY. leadership books, blogs, podcasts, webinars, memberships. Where do you start, who do you listen to? Especially when you read books and some of the information tends to contradict other books that you've read - yikes. It's overwhelming, and so easy to get swallowed up in the information overload of it all. I think of this challenge for new leaders as zombies trapped in a house because there’s so much information, in a very crowded space (just like a house crammed with zombies). Get too close to the house of zombies - and they might grab you through a crack in the door and pull you in. Then you’re overwhelmed by zombies (or books/poddys etc) and that’s a tough one to get out of. 

 ⚔️ How to avoid them: Create, and stick to a clear, thoughtful development plan for your leadership. Rather than getting overwhelmed by all the leadership content that’s out there, work on what you need.


🧟‍♂️🧟🧟‍♀️ What is THE HORDE: All the other programs and businesses.

 Hordes are when a group of zombies are just all moving in one direction together. No autonomy, no excitement, just endless zombie-ing. That's how I view most of the other leadership programs out there, all teaching the same things, the same way. The world is changing, and has changed dramatically. The pandemic already feels like 'old news' right? Yet managers and businesses are still dragging their feet on responding to the changing demands of employees. These hordes of slow moving corporate zombies are leading their teams to nowhere. But if you want to lead differently, get different (and more epic) results than other people then you need to learn things differently so you don't get swept up in the mediocre and turned into a boring zombie leader.

 ⚔️ How to avoid them:  Find a program that aligns to you, elevates and matches your values and feels relevant to your style. Find a program and coach that is relevant, fresh and modern. 


Shall we recap?

  • ⚔️ Look for coaches and mentors with credibility, they don't just talk about 'showing up' and share other vague leadership tropes but they have specific, practical advice and experience to share with you.
  • ⚔️ Work with coaches and mentors that can help you understand the full role of a leader, especially when you're just starting out in your leadership role. Rather than focus too much on one skill, they help you gain a holistic view of how you impact others and how you lead yourself.
  • ⚔️ Create a thoughtful, clear development plan for your leadership skills to avoid being overwhelmed by zombies all the info and training that's out there. Focus on the skills most relevant to you, and stay focused as you learn and crush those skills first (rather than trying to learn ALL THE THINGS all at once).
  • ⚔️ Look for a leadership support that aligns to your personal values, that is progressive and champions change and growth - especially given how dynamic the world has been the last few years - leaders need to be adapting and catering to their teams to continue to get the best out of them.
  • ⚔️ If you find yourself in a real zombie apocalypse: I'd recommend finding higher ground, get yourself away from the grabby hands of any roaming zombies. Source weapons that don't need bullets (cause you always run out right when you need them, we've all seen the movies). Never trust strangers, they're probably going to steal your car and leave you stranded. Oh, and Cardio - always remember to do your cardio.


 Take these tips on how to grow your Leadership Skills and you'll definitely survive the Zombie Wastelands (and hopefully have a safe and happy Halloween).


Are you looking for a safe haven to grow your leadership skills?

Need a lil reprieve from the zombie wasteland?

There are no zombies in the Epic Self Leadership Program.

  • No fake experts or slow zombies (bye gurl) - Hi, I'm Victoria! I’ve got 10 years of leadership experience and 18 years of career experience - I’ve got the GOOD sh*t for you.
  •  No one-note runner zombies here either - just a thoughtful, layered plan for your development that speaks to all aspects of creating the best leadership version of YOU that you can be. 30 Laser Focused Lessons plus epic bonuses that builds out a holistic leadership foundation for your life and career. 
  •  Swerve the house full of trapped zombies with a one-stop destination for your leadership growth. You don't have to go and hunt for your own resources, books and experts. I've collated everything together for you because I know what works, and how to learn it. 
  •  Dodge the mediocre zombie hordes - this is a unique program for wildly ambitious leaders. You won't find any snooze-fest, boring, traditional stuff. This program doesn’t look like any other leadership program - because it’s not.


Do you want to get eaten by zombies? Of course you don't, join my gang of Epic Leaders and not just survive, but freaking thrive as a leader.

The Epic Self Leadership Program helps wildly ambitious leaders & entrepreneurs become "please-let-me-work-for-you" bosses (even if they don't have any leadership experience) so they can confidently command the room, inspire their team and be the baddie queen they need to grow their biz and skyrocket revenue.

Apply now for the next intake: Epic Self Leadership Program